Friday, November 28, 2014

Divine talks about John Waters and filming Pink Flamingo

Divine Talks about Waters and filming Pink Flamingo

This brief interview of Harris Glenn Milstead talks about his personal and professional friendship with director, John Waters as well as his comments about the infamous scene from Pink Flamingo.

- Nova

Monday, November 24, 2014

Pink VS Blue

This article gives a really interesting look into gender and the colors typically assigned to it. As adults, men and woman both are drawn to the color blue, while more woman and than men are attracted to warm, red tones. However, in the early stages of life, children are drawn simply to primary colors like blue and red, excluding pink entirely. However, there is no correlation at that age between gender and color choice. Once children become toddlers and aware of their own gender, girls begin to be drawn to pink and boys are strongly repelled by pink, choosing blue instead. It's an interesting look at how culture influences perception of gender.

Posted by Briana Lynch

Leslie Feinberg: Defiant Radical, Gender Queer Revolutionary

This article remembers Leslie Feinberg, a gender queer activist. Feinberg first became known for writing a novel about the experiences of being gay in America during the 1960's and 1970's. The book was published in the early 1990's and presented the world with a look into the struggles faced by America's LGBT community and worked to humanize queer life and experience.

By the end of her life, Leslie began using female pronouns. Though it is interesting to note that her use of pronouns changed and evolved over time, as she believed her gender to be fluid and ever changing. 

Posted by Briana Lynch

Here is an article about Mike Nichols, who recently passed away. He was a major influence within the film industry as a director, producer, and actor.


Margaret Howell's Pebbles

Here is an article on Margaret Howell's quirky collection of pebbles. She is a fashion designer, who admitted to these stone's graphic shapes being inspiration for her work.

by Isabelle

Office Plants

Photographer Polly Brown shot a collection of office plants.
The article begins, "You can tell a lot about a person from their plant preferences..."

by Isabelle

The Roots of Art in Ancient Egypt

From the ancient Egypt art, we not only have the chance to see the history about the country but also the history about artifacts and art. Through those artifacts, we can explore the root of art and also the evidence about human culture.

Here is an interesting article related:

Ancient Artifacts

Here are some very interesting ancient  artifacts. For example the prescription from Tibet which talks about hoe to set bones, and an 1880s camera, said to have belonged to Winslow Homer.

Here is the link


Global LGBT Statistics

Here are some interesting data which is about the global divide on homosexuality.  For example: where homosexuality is most accepted, where homosexuality is reject, and also gender and age views of homosexuality.

Here is the link:


Homosexuality and Gender Identity Disorders

Homosexuality and gender identity disorder are not the same, but gender identity disorder is one of the reasons for people to become gay or transgender people. 

Here are some articles about these two:


Same-Sex Divorce

Now, as gay marriage rise, there is also the case coming for same-sex divorce.

Here is the link:


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Mens Rights Activists fight for equality in India

"We need to free both men and women from rigid patriarchal structures and traditional gender roles. Sexism and moral policing against men has increased in recent times but has mostly gone unnoticed. When both feminists and men's rights activists want gender equality, where is the problem," asked founder of NGO Save India Family Foundation Anil Kumar. He answered his own question by saying the compromised stand feminist had didn't let them bother if men experienced sexism or got stifled inside rigid patriarchal expectations." - Payal Gwalani


Till today, no study has been done by the government on domestic and social life of men, suicides among married men and men's issues in general

Married men are victims of gender biased laws and suffer false dowry, domestic violence, rape cases. Men lack social acceptance and society looks at them as perpetrators, even before they are proven guilty

Gender neutral laws like shared parenting, inclusion of men in laws regarding sexual harassment at workplaces, giving adequate paternity leaves, etc are required to be made"

Conditions outside of the U.S do not seem to be taking similarly paced strides at gender equality. This has been posted on the Times of India site today and serves to highlight the alternative, but parallel side to feminism and the equality of the female gender. 

However, I believe that no matter what you call it, gender equality is a necessity and begins with the eliminate of such constricting terms of refinement. Equality across genders, identities and sexual preferences.

-Kevin Houlahan

Gender Neutral Parenting


Boy vs. girl

How much of gender differences come from genetics, and how much come from how we raise our kids? From the moment of birth, our actions and words impart certain expectations and assumptions about our baby girl or boy. He’s strong, smart and energetic while she is dainty, soft and cuddly. Unraveling the mysteries of gender differences has fascinated scientists for years — and there is much we still don’t understand about how gender affects our choices. Do you buy the trucks for your son because you think that’s what he should play with, or because that’s what he truly loves?" - Sherri Kuhn

This article highlights the practical aspects that can assist avoiding gendered learning through early childhood development. It is interesting to outline the aspects of gendered behaviors and how personal interests in activities, objects or entertainment can be misconstrued. 


-Kevin Houlahan

Transgender Day of Rememberance

What is the Transgender Day of Remembrance?

The Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) was started by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honor the memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was killed in 1998. The vigil commemorated all the transgender people lost to violence that year and began an important memorial that has become the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance.
"The Transgender Day of Remembrance seeks to highlight the losses we face due to anti-transgender bigotry and violence. I am no stranger to the need to fight for our rights, and the right to simply exist is first and foremost. With so many seeking to erase transgender people -- sometimes in the most brutal ways possible -- it is vitally important that those we lose are remembered, and that we continue to fight for justice."
- Transgender Day of Remembrance founder Gwendolyn Ann Smith


-Kevin Houlahan

The Secret Life of Passwords

Here is a very interesting article about our identification and attachment to passwords. I found this a very interesting article because the digital age we live in. Many of us often have personal attachment to the passwords we use, and we are even further connected to these phrases or pins because they give us access to the things which allow us to function in this technology-age world.

Isabelle Hay

Quentin Jones

AnOther magazine did an article which looked at the artist's Quentin Jones' work and mental processes.

Isabelle Hay

Studio 54, Tom Papageorge

AnOther Magazine interviewed Tod Papageorge, the photographer who took some of the most famous moments from the legendary club Studio 54.

Isabelle Hay

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The World AIDs Museum and Educational Center will have its grad opening in Florida on December 2nd which is the day after world AIDs day. The museum is the first museum dedicated to AIDs. Which raises a lot of questions in my mind. Why did it take so long for one of the most deadly diseases to be recognized in this way? Which lead me to think, what makes AIDs deserving of a museum when other diseases like cancer would almost feel strange in that setting. The answer was instant. AIDs was as much a social epidemic as it was a medical one. Homosexuality could no longer be ignored and suddenly people were being humanized through their own suffering. AIDs as a disease brought more attention and compassion than a lifetime of hate. Which makes this museum as much a museum about gay experience and culture as it does medicine and disease.

Posted by Briana Lynch

Frank Ocean's Coming Out Letter

In July 2012, rapper Frank Ocean came out about his sexuality through a two paragraph letter he posted on his personal blog. 


- Nova

Treasure trove of gay and lesbian artifacts / 'Queer Smithsonian' in S.F. celebrates its 20th anniversary

The GLBT Historical Society's Archive: In this article it shares a few gay and lesbian artifacts from this San Francisco locale ranging from plaques and trophies to safe sex barriers. 


- Nova

Jean-Paul Goude's photoshoot of Kim Kardashian

"Men think she's sexy. Women think she's a little masculine, so they're not jealous. Gays think she's a drag queen...She's the manifestation of all my fantasies. She's the face of the '80s." 
- Jean Paul Goude

There was something about this quote that intrigued me- gays think she's a drag queen. I was just curious as to what that could possibly mean.



Generation LGBTQIA

This great article talks about the coming of a new generation of queer people. As acceptance is growing, people are realizing that there are more possible categories one might fall into aside from gay or straight and male and female. While the gay rights movements began long before this generation, this generation has an interesting fight of their own because people outside of these communities have gotten used to hearing the terms gay and lesbian. But words like transgender, intersex, asexual, and many others either are misunderstood or completely unknown. More identities are being challenged because if you don't fall into the categories of gay, straight, male, or female you're essentially invisible. However, in internet culture the full spectrums of gender and sexual identity are recognized. It will be interesting to see what changes come as that generation grows and expands their knowledge beyond the web.

Posted by Briana Lynch

Top Myths about Last Will and Testament

While this article is posted on a gay lifestyle site, I found it very interesting that it covered the full range of issues, myths, and concerns that people writing their wills may face. The reason this was interesting to me is because usually on sites that are focussed towards a queer audience, the information is stripped down to that which only applies to queer people and all of the additional information that pertains to anyone is left out to be found elsewhere. I found this article so interesting because this one topic seems to cross the boundaries of gay and straight in a way many issues do not.

Posted by Briana Lynch

Jason Collins: Out and Retiring in Peace

Hey Jason … Jason! How come we never see you with any women? Are you gay?

Jason Collins, a now retired NBA player after 13 seasons is thankful that he came out and is now able to retire in peace, as he states. While being on the team, he shares that he's always had to make up some sort of stories though some real and some made-up to avoid enjoying the nightlife with his friends. He's also gained a skill to direct conversations away from that of his personal and love life. For 33 years, he's been a character beyond himself until he was first able to come out to his friend and then aunt Teri.


- Nova

Monday, November 17, 2014


There are some interesting text and books about queer studies.

Here is the link with introduction:


Friday, November 14, 2014

Why didn't people believe her story?

I do believe that sometimes rape charges can be controversial but this woman has been retelling her story again and again and now has nothing to be gained from it yet is still telling her story.
Her story didn't gain credibility until a male voice was added.

Sadly it is the reflection of patriarchal society that some people minimize women's voice to be unheard.


The Big Problem With Kim Kardashian's Butt Photos Nobody Is Talking About

"Notably, when Rihanna posed topless for Lui magazine in April, she posted the pictures on Instagram and, as expected, had her account deleted for nudity. But the public harshly criticized her for baring her breasts in such a way. Meanwhile, Scout Willis walked topless through Manhattan and was rewarded with neutral and even positive media attention for her  self-described protest."

This photo of Kim Kardashian proves to be an evidence of "double standard of denigration" in our society today.
Interesting article to read to see how we as a society have the double standard and reenforce certain beauty standard on women regardless of race.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

U.S. and China Reach Climate Accord After Months of Talks

The climate problems and other kinds of pollution are rising in this years.  There are some new about it.

here are some links:

Gordon Parks Through Objects

(from left to right)
top: a map of Park's home (Fort Scott, Kansas), the cover of Essence magazine from it's debut year (the magazine which Parks created and was the editor in chief for several year), American Gothic (the painting which inspired one of Park's most famous photographs), The Shaft script (Parks was an accomplished musician and composer), the FSA's photograph called Migrant Mother during the Great Depression (inspired Gordon Parks to become a photographer).
bottom: LIFE Magazine cover of Flavioa sick boy from Brazil who was essentially saved by Park's photographs of him and his family (readers sent in donations to cure the boy of horrible asthma and build his family a house), article with images of Parks sending off Flavio at the airport in America to return home to Brazil, a picture of Parks' first camera, a picture of Parks receiving one of his many honorary degrees.
by Isabelle

Egon Schiele

Here is an article which reveals 5 things one may not know about the artist Egon Schiele. The points go from his art school dropping out to his brief stint in jail. The article also offers a nice collection of Schiele's work.

Isabelle Hay

Photographing the Unphotographable

Here is an article about a collection of photographs by photographer Glenna Gordon. It is an interview where she discusses her current projects of intense current affairs where she documents the spread of ebola, ISIS, and the kidnapping of Nigerian school girls.

by Isabelle Hay

News on Gay Marriage

This article from the New Yorker acts the question: Will the Supreme Court Mandate Gay Marriage?
It discusses the current standings and improvements that have been made in regards to legalizing gay marriage.

by Isabelle

"The New Face of Transgender Youth"

Katie Couric interviews 14yo Jazz Jennings who is the co author and illustrator of one of the first books created for transgender children and teens. Jennings discusses in the interview what it was like growing up for her as boy and beginning her transition at the age of 5.

interview here…

Rahm Bowen

The story of Sarah Bartman

in reference to Kim K's paper magazine cover and spread…
According to a People Magazine article written about the couple in 1979:
Jean-Paul has been fascinated with women like Grace since his youth. The son of a French engineer and an American-born dancer, he grew up in a Paris suburb. From the moment he saw West Side Story and the Alvin Ailey dance troupe, he found himself captivated by “ethnic minorities—black girls, PRs. I had jungle fever.” He now says, “Blacks are the premise of my work.”
Rahm Bowen

Papermag, Kim K vs _____

Kim Kardashian shoots with Jean Paul Goude for the cover of paper magazine re-inacting his image Carolina Beaumont, New York, 1976. Goude's images are notorious for their over sexualized and fetishizations of the black body. Complex and many other magazines(and even Kim K) seem to miss or dismiss or talk around what actually is.
Complex article 
words from Nana K Boateng

Rahm Bowen

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Script as Evidence

"the notorious beauty Divine...
the filthiest person alive."

This was the very famous line in the film, "Pink Flamingoes". The script was very simple, rather 
vulgar if anything, which I can see why he was regarded as a freak and a monster of vulgarity. 


- Nova

Gay in Indonesia's Aceh? Brace yourself for 100 lashes in front of a crowd.

"In Aceh, the most orthodox corner of Muslim-majority Indonesia, gay sex is now punishable by 100 lashes. On a public stage. By a cane-wielding figure clad head-to-ankles in dark brown robes (with a yellow decorative fringe)."

This weekend I was told by my mom that a friend of hers has a cousin who is a homosexual. Nothing out of the ordinary, yet.    He was originally from Indonesia and he decided to move here because of his homosexuality. In Indonesia, this is something that hasn't allowed full disclosure because well, the potential consequences. He is about 45 years old and has not come out to his family and has only recently told his cousin, who is my mom's friend. I just didn't realize that the punishments were so severe and even in this day migrating is one of the options to break free from those confinements. 


- Nova

It Gets Better.... IF

In 2014, being queer is starting to be more and more socially accepted. Or so we think, as Americans. The It gets better campaign features a wide variety of out social figures telling LGBT youth that things will get better. That someday, they'll accept themselves and be accepted. But this article brings up an overlooked point. It only really get's better if you live in a rich, democratic country, like the USA where acceptance of queer people and activism for LGBT rights are growing.

Posted by Briana Lynch

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

LGBT Segregation in Prisons

I find this article interesting because immediately I felt as though queer people shouldn't be alienated from any population. But upon further reading and thought, I realized that issue is much larger than that and relates to the danger homophobic inmates pose to an LGBT person in prison. It's an interesting and complex issue to think about.

Posted by Briana Lynch

Monday, November 10, 2014

Unwanted Heirlooms

This article discusses people who inherent unwanted heirlooms. But is that a genuine reaction, or based in a misinterpretation of what an heirloom is meant to be? In my mind, an heirloom is something that had deep meaning to the person it came from and was given to its new owner out of the mentality that they will be able to appreciate it and understand what it means. However, that's where this article gets interesting. It talks about how even the most hated heirlooms are held on to. Even if someone despises their newly acquired ugly chair, they keep it. One woman actually inherited a portrait of her great great Uncle. She hated the painting, but decided to keep it. While moving, it was damaged and she paid $3,000 to repair it "because he's family." I find it interesting how people accept their heirlooms flaws and keep them in their lives anyway, just like family members themselves.

The repaired portrait

Posted by Briana Lynch

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Milestones of Edward Steichen's Life

Here is an article which lists major milestones through out the famous and groundbreaking photographer, Edward Steichen's life.

Isabelle Hay

A People's History of British Fashion

Here is an interesting anthology through time of British people's fashion.

Isabelle Hay

Frida Kahlo Personal Journals

Here is what AnOther Mag calls an 'intimate' portrait of Frida Kahlo. They discuss and show various pages from her personal journal.

Isabelle Hay

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Death Comes to a Quiet Man Who Made Drag Queen History as Divine

An article that dates back from March 21, 1988 remembers the man behind the "40-lb. blizzard-blond fright wig, a face like a big, error, poster-colored subway graffito, and a set of humongous foam-rubber falsies - each packed with 50 lbs. of uncooked lentils." 

Just as we sometimes have our presumption and perceptions today, it was no different back then either. Divine was often regarded as a freak because of the 'monster of vulgarity' his onscreen/stage characters often portray. His friends claim he was really a man of gentle nature who grew up loving flowers and painting.


- Nova

Monster Queen: The Transgressive Body of Divine in Pink Flamingos

"Ironically, though, Divine does not physically resemble a female. While most transvestites strive to pass as female, and drag queens to embody the most glamorous and beautiful aspects of femininity, Divine instead exaggerates feminine traits to the point of becoming grotesque. As Waters himself states, Divine's look is described as, "equal parts [Jayne] Mansfield and Clarabell the Clown."1 It is not surprising that Jayne Mansfield is an influence, as she already embodied an over-the-top femininity."

Even though it was a simple observation doesn't mean that it cannot sometimes be overlooked. I do realize that he was all clad to look like a female but I didn't think about how much exaggeration it would have to have. In drag culture, I understand that the transformation has to be exaggerated but why does it have to go to the point of being grotesque?



Tim Cook and the LGBT Workforce

This article discusses how the new Apple CEO Tim Cook came out as gay. This is an important step consider that Apple is one of the world's largest, most successful companies and that in many places even in America, employees can be fired for their sexual orientation. Because Apple is such a global company, I wonder what impact it will have on countries that have extreme, or even governmental homophobia.

Posted by Briana Lynch

Family Heirloom Project

Joakim Blockstrom is a photographer who photographs family heirlooms and has their owners what the heirlooms mean to them. He started on this thought process when he was thinking about how mass produced everything is in current society. He asked himself, if everything is mass produced, what gets passed on? The result is an interesting collection of objects and stories that spans a wide range.

Below are two examples from the project.

Posted by Briana Lynch

Photo Evidence : Before and After

Before and After

I think this serves as a photographic evidence for Harris Glenn Milstead and Divine, a then and now image of him.

Also, it may serve rather well as an artifact. Like his crazy platinum blond wig and also the unique way the make-up was done to bring Divine to life.



Monday, November 3, 2014

Boutique turns heirlooms into unique jewelry pieces

In the Canadian town of Kitchener there is boutique that turns family heirlooms into wearable, custom jewelry pieces. What I find interesting about this is the concept or wanting to have a family heirloom be a physical part of ones self every day. It's also interesting to think that re-purposing an heirloom doesn't seem to destroy the owners connection to the object. Heirlooms are considered precious items, so it's interesting to think that someone would be willing to alter it, which I think shows how much of the concept of heirlooms exists mentally.
Posted by Briana Lynch